Vincent Verhaag's reaction when Jessica Iskandar asked to separate beds

Eka P

Vincent Verhaag's reaction when Jessica Iskandar asked to separate beds
Vincent Verhaag's reaction when Jessica Iskandar asked to separate beds. (Photo: Febri/detikHOT)

Artist Jessica Iskandar admitted that she had separated from her husband. This happened early in the pregnancy of her third child.

The film star Dealova asked for separate beds because she felt that the moment of pregnancy this time was different from the previous two children. She doesn't like her husband's smell and feels uncomfortable with the cramped conditions.

When Jessica Iskandar asked to separate beds, Vincent Verhaag laughed. Her husband was even surprised when he bought a new bed.

"So at that time, I prepared two beds in a separate room with a cupboard like a boarding room. At first he was shocked, thinking it wasn't serious, but it turned out to be true," said Jessica in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, yesterday.

Vincent is also said to have disliked Jessica Iskandar's decision to separate beds. But he finally understood after being given an explanation.

"The thing is, I want it like that, maybe it's a child's thing. At first it was a bit sensitive but now it's okay," said Jessica.

After separating from bed with her husband, Jessica admitted that she felt comfortable. So he could sleep soundly.

"He slept with El, so at that time I slept really soundly. I even said that it would be nice if we separated in bed, because I sleep better," he said.

Jessica Iskandar said she was already four months pregnant. He said his son was very active.

"The stomach has started to grow, what's strange is that it feels like it's kicking, so the baby seems to be very active. So when I'm with the papa, I get kicked. Yesterday I was riding in a car that braked suddenly, the baby was immediately very active in the stomach," he concluded.

Read the detikhot article, "Vincent Verhaag's Reaction When Jessica Iskandar Asks to Separate Beds" in full /


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