Resolution 2023 Ayu Dewi, Create Happiness for Children

Eka P

Resolution 2023 Ayu Dewi, Create Happiness for Children
Ayu Dewi. Photo: Instagram @mrsayudewi

Towards the new year 2023, Ayu Dewi has prepared resolutions for things she wants to do more. None other than, related to their role as parents.

The mother of three children is in the phase of enjoying being the bestie, aka the friend of her children. After, in earlier times, he had felt quite firm.

"I want to be more bestie with my children. Now I really enjoy being able to chat with them. It's really enjoyable to find the best approach to my children. Because I used to be firm, fast with them," said Ayu as quoted detikHOT, Saturday (24/12/2022) from Melaney Ricardo's YouTube channel.

"My principle is, I have to create happiness for them, before they create happiness for themselves," Ayu continued.

As the host, Melaney Ricardo also commented on his friend's answer. Melaney sees Ayu giving her an important lesson in life.

"I see that Ayu is that women, mothers, are the strength in the household. As long as her mother can still stand up straight, whatever happens at home, with the children, she can still walk smoothly," he said.

"Mother is a pillar," said Iwet Ramadhan who was also present.

Previously, Melaney had also asked Ayu Dewi how she saw 2022. Regi Datau's wife answered that this year was the year in which she learned a lot sincerely.

"The year in which I had to be sincere. Life is not mine, everything is not mine, there is nothing I can control. We can only control our belief, inside (own heart) and up (God Almighty)," she said. /


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