Arya Saloka Opens a New Business, Offering the Latest and Impressive Things

Eka P

Arya Saloka Opens a New Business, Offering the Latest and Impressive Things
Arya Saloka Opens a New Business, Offering the Latest and Impressive Things. (Photo: ist)

Arya Saloka is not only involved in the world of acting. He has also been involved in many side businesses.

Most recently, the soap opera star Ikatan Cinta opened a business called Novo Coffeeworking Space in the Kemang area, South Jakarta. Together with lawyer Noverizky Tri Putra, he said that his business had a clear concept.

The star of the Kretek Girl series said that Novo is a place that is ready to help pioneers develop their businesses.

"Novo is not just a coworking space like the others. We are here to answer the needs of business people who are starting their business," said Arya Saloka when met at the location yesterday.

Noverizky added, Novo is the answer to the difficulty of going to the office with affordable prices and complete facilities.

"Office rental is a big expense for young entrepreneurs and Novo is here as a solution," he said.

Even though it is cafe based, Novo has a very different business positioning. Arya admits that this can be more focused as a workplace.

However, he still offers things that are available in cafes, creating a professional and comfortable atmosphere.

"Novo is different from a cafe. If you want to work, please come and we will provide delicious coffee and snacks," said Arya Saloka.

"So the concept is not working in a cafe, but working in a coworking space. There's just a nice coffee shop," he added.

Various packages at Novo Coworking Space can be accessed via the website.

"We provide special packages at quite affordable prices. I look forward to seeing you," concluded Arya.

Read the detikhot article, "Arya Saloka Opens a New Business, Offering the Latest and Impressive Things" in full and-impressive. /


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