Tissa is usually afraid of saying the wrong thing after being criticized by netizens for discussing Fuji's sunset aura

Eka P

Tissa is usually afraid of saying the wrong thing after being criticized by netizens for discussing Fuji's sunset aura
Tissa Biani on her social media. Photo: Instagram doc

Tissa Biani again received insults from netizens when appearing on a podcast with Deddy Corbuzier and Vidi Aldiano. On that occasion, they discussed the sunset aura attached to Fuji. Tissa Biani was criticized by netizens because she was considered the most perfect.

Dul Jaelani's lover said he didn't want to comment much because he was afraid of saying the wrong thing. He explained that he didn't mean anything when he talked about this.

"I don't know, it's just a joke. We as friends like to chat like that. I know and respect Sis Vidi, Uncle Deddy and at that time there was Sis El as a guest star and host," explained Tissa Biani when met in the Senayan area. Central Jakarta, yesterday.

"No, I'm relaxed. I'm just someone who tries to be professional, for example, if I'm in front of the camera, just relax," said Tissa Biani.

Tissa Biani emphasized that he was only trying to answer what Deddy Corbuzier and Vidi Aldiano asked at that time.

"I try to answer according to what they ask, just according to what we've been through. We're happy, hanging out, chatting, yes, I'm naturally like that, busy," he explained again.

Fuji's Maghrib Aura is being widely discussed because some time ago there were netizens who called it that. After this, celebrities were widely discussed and defended Fuji, one of which was Marion Jola, who said sunset was one of the most beautiful times. (wes/tia) detik.com


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