Jessica Iskandar Shares Parenting Patterns, Teaches Responsibility from an Early Age

Eka P

Jessica Iskandar Shares Parenting Patterns, Teaches Responsibility from an Early Age
Jessica Iskandar reveals the parenting style applied to her children. Photo: Instagram/@inijedar

The eldest son of actress Jessica Iskandar, El Barack, is often praised by netizens for being mature even though he is only 9 years old. Vincent Verhaag's wife admits that there is a special parenting pattern that she applies.

"We follow the character of the child. We have to look at what the child's needs are, we can't hit all the children equally, we can't encourage them all," said Jessica Iskandar in the Mampang area, South Jakarta, Friday (5/7/2024).

The film star Dealova divides parenting into three phases based on age.

"I usually divide it into three phases, from birth to 7 years we shower it with love. The second phase from 7 to 14 years we teach responsibility and consequences. From 14 to 21 we haven't gotten there yet, but we try to approach it as friend," explained Jessica Iskandar.

Now El Barack has entered the second phase. Jessica Iskandar has implemented her son to be responsible for daily activities.

"Responsibility to clean yourself, tidy your room, do your homework, look after your younger siblings," said Jessica Iskandar.

If El Barack does not carry out his obligations, he will have to accept consequences.

"For example, if he doesn't do his homework, I'll give him the consequence of not using his gadget first," said Jessica Iskandar.

The result is not only his attitude that has developed, El Barack's academic grades can satisfy Jessica Iskandar. Jessica Iskandar feels proud of her son.

"I've taken the report card, the results are satisfactory, so far the report card is really cool, I'm really proud of El," said Jessica Iskandar. /


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