ATEEZ Members Continue Activities After Negative COVID-19

Eka P

ATEEZ Members Continue Activities After Negative COVID-19

ATEEZ is confirmed to be resuming their activities after getting a negative COVID-19 test result.

On December 18, ATEEZ members participated in filming on the 'Music Core' program and at that time there were staff who tested positive for COVID-19.

Although they did not have direct contact with the staff, ATEEZ members continued to undergo PCR tests and temporarily suspended their activities.

As a result, ATEEZ members were unable to attend the QQ Music Live Comment and video call fansign events because they had to undergo a period of self-quarantine.

Now on the morning of Sunday (19/12), the KQ Entertainment agency announced that all ATEEZ members had negative test results, so the members will continue with their previously scheduled activities.

Meanwhile, 'Music Core' decided to continue broadcasting their program even though there were staff who tested positive for COVID-19. The 'Music Core' side explained that the decision was taken after the staff who contracted COVID-19 and other staff who had close contact with him had stopped their activities at the studio to undergo PCR tests. (


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